Case Studies
Bradford Local Plan Viability – City of Bradford MDC
Planning Policy – Plan Viability, CIL, Strategic Sites, Employment Land
City of Bradford MDC
Our Role
AspinallVerdi has been appointed by Bradford Council to provide financial viability advice in respect of the Council’s Core Strategy Partial Review (CSPR) and the current CIL Charging Schedule.
The primary aim of the commission is to produce an up-to-date viability assessment, which will form a robust and sound evidence base for the CSPR, the production of the Allocations DPD and CIL review. The study will establish recommendations on the viability and delivery of strategic policies, development sites and CIL rates for the District to inform the preparation of the Local Plan.
Work Undertaken
Working in an iterative and collaborative manner with the Council we have:
- Conducted property market research for residential, retail and commercial sectors across the District;
- Completed a policy review of the emerging CSPR policies which impact viability;
- Developed a typologies matrix of site and scheme typologies of the development that is likely to come forward across the District;
- Carried out land value research to establish Benchmark Land Values;
- Carried out a stakeholder workshop and public consultation;
- Completed detailed appraisals and sensitivity analysis to make recommendations to align the affordable housing and CIL policy requirements in four Zones (both greenfield and brownfield sites).
In addition to the above, we have carried out detailed analysis of the strategic and key large development sites. This is to provide specific advice on the viability and deliverability of the sites – particularly the risk of infrastructure cost over-runs vis-à-vis benchmark land value requirements.
We have also been commissioned indirectly by the Council to provide commercial property market support to PBA Stantec (to prepare an Employment Needs Assessment) and strategic delivery advice to BDP (to prepare a Business Development Zone strategy).
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