News & Blog

Newhaven: Investment and Development Study

Posted onDecember 12, 2014

Lewes District Council and East Sussex County Council have appointed AspinallVerdi and Genecon to determine the viability and deliverability of proposed and potential opportunities for development in Newhaven town and port. The study will build upon existing work and help to secure further investment and development.

Newhaven sits in two LEP areas; South East LEP (SELEP) and Coast to Capital LEP (C2C). Through SELEP Growth deal and that of C2C £1.5m has been allocated as a contribution towards flood defence works, enabling Newhaven to facilitate the ‘Clean Tech Hub’ identified in the Greater Brighton City Deal. C2C has also announced it will contribute a grant of £10m toward the final extension of the Newhaven Port Access Road, which will release further land for development and facilitate the delivery of the off-shore wind farm proposed by E.ON. A new Universal Technical College, specialising in marine and environmental engineering, is due to open in September 2015.

AspinallVerdi and Genecon have spent the last few days undertaking qualitative site assessments of opportunity sites. This work will be completed in the New Year and will be used by the partners to make investment decisions.

Newhaven: Investment and Development Study