News & Blog

Local Plan Viability - Double Win

Posted onNovember 28, 2017

AspinallVerdi has been appointed to support Central Bedfordshire Council (CBC) and Waveney District Council on their respective Local Plans.


CBC’s growth strategy already provides 39,350 homes and 24,000 jobs between 2015-2035. However, the housing need figure for Central Bedfordshire may be increased by as much as 60% if the governments ’Planning for the right homes in the right places’ consultation on the new methodology for calculating housing need is imposed.


The Full Council voted to robustly challenge the proposed new methodology through the consultation process. However, it has also resolved to allow for consultation on the next version of the Local Plan in January 2018 with submission in March 2018.  This will enable the Plan to be examined on the previous housing figures.  Ben Aspinall, Managing Director states “The 2018 submission deadline is a very challenging timetable, but AspinallVerdi is delighted to be advising the Council.” 


Waveney District Council is progressing proposals for its Draft Local Plan whereby they have identified the need to plan for 9,000 new homes and 43 hectare of new employment land along with new retail and leisure facilities. Stuart Cook, Director of AspinallVerdi’s London office says “I am pleased to working with Waveney District Council and this appointment builds on our work we have undertaken in other Suffolk Authority areas such as Babergh and Mid-Suffolk.”