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Gloucester Estate Regeneration

Posted onJanuary 04, 2018

AspinallVerdi has recently been appointed as part of a multi-disciplinary by Gloucester City Homes (GCH) to produce masterplans for the existing residential estates of Matson and Podsmead in Gloucester. Matson 1,070 homes (25% of GCH total stock) and Podsmead 450 homes (10% of GCH total stock), which suffer from high levels of poor quality non-traditional stock; significant deprivation and limited social mobility. Both estates are dominated by social housing rented tenure with little mixed tenure and low aspirations levels.  An estate masterplan is needed to facilitate the required investment and resources to regenerate both communities

 AspinallVerdi has been appointed to provide a review of the residential and retail markets, advise on masterplan/scheme options and undertake development appraisals for the mixed use elements of the masterplan.