Case Studies
Accessing Tamworth – Levelling Up Fund Bid
Business Cases / Public Sector Funding
Levelling Up – Towns Fund / Future High Streets / Shared Prosperity Fund
Town Centre Regeneration and Masterplanning
Tamworth Borough Council
OutlineAspinallVerdi were appointed by Tamworth Borough Council to prepare a business case and masterplan to support their bid for the Levelling Up Fund. They led a team including Broadway Malyan, Gleeds and Kada. Other stakeholders included South Staffordshire College and Staffordshire County Council. The proposal will improve accessibility for residents and visitors and release land for development through the regeneration of Gungate North, linking this gateway site with key heritage buildings and the forthcoming Future High Street Fund developments. A new Multi-Storey Car Park (MSCP), convenience store, civic building and college building for special educational needs students will be delivered, resulting in the clearance of a number of eyesore buildings and unlocking brownfield sites. The LUF bid will help to unlock additional sites for residential and other uses, in total, releasing c. 6 acres of land for development. Alongside project management, AspinallVerdi provided property and viability advice on this project. They also led on developing and drafting the business case to support the bid. Through developing a strong, market-facing evidence base, the proposed interventions are viable and deliverable, and will deliver the transformational change required to rejuvenate this key regeneration site. A strong commercial and financial focus also ensures a robust business case has been put forward. Services ProvidedAspinallVerdi provided the following services:
OutcomeThe Tamworth LUF Bid was successful submitted on time and is seeking to secure c. £20m of funding. AspinallVerdi are continuing to advise the Council on the delivery of the schemes, with a start on site expected in 2023. |