Case Studies

Beech Hill, Halifax

Development – Appraisals, Delivery Plans, Development Management, Partnerships and Regen Cos
Town Centre Regeneration and Masterplanning

HCA & Calderdale Borough Council


AspinallVerdi together with design masterplanners AECOM were appointed by the Council and HCA to undertake a comprehensive analysis of the area known as Beech Hill which is adjacent to Halifax Town Centre.

The area is mixed use with a significant police station, 3 disused tower blocks (303 Units) and over 100 small inter-connected homes originally built as social housing.  The area also includes retail uses, a primary school and small open spaces.

Scope & Challenges

The project involved the addressing a number of key challenges:

  • Improvement and regeneration of the existing housing stock.
  • Exploring how the demolishing of the tower blocks can be achieved – both financially, but what would this release physically in terms of new housing.
  • How linkages between the estate and the Town Centre can be improved.
  • Improving the interface between the commercial and civic uses and the residential area.

The study included extensive local consultation which included the local residents and wider public.


The study included detailed analysis of the housing stock and consideration of the costs and receipts that could be generated from a programme of interventions which could be brought forward.

Detailed financial modelling and plans were prepared for the benefit of further decision making for the Council.

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Beech Hill, Halifax