Case Studies
Birkenhead Housing Market Study
Development – Appraisals, Delivery Plans, Development Management, Partnerships and Regen Cos
Property Market Analysis
Town Centre Regeneration and Masterplanning
Wirral Metropolitan Borough Council
AspinallVerdi were instructed by Wirral Metropolitan Borough Council to undertake a housing market study for Birkenhead. AspinallVerdi were appointed this due to their extensive experience of housing markets and delivery through regeneration in areas of poor market conditions.
Birkenhead is the man town and service centre in Wirral. It has suffered from decades of under investment. The ultimate objective of the Birkenhead Housing Market Study is to provide evidence for the local plan that the regeneration of the town is a realistic and ultimately viable proposition.
During this commission the services we provided were:
- Market review of Birkenhead which included market testing and market research that extended across a wider geographical area
- Consultation with a range of developers, Registered Providers, Homes England and Combined Authority
- Review of exemplars, nationally and internationally to demonstrate that development can take place and negative perceptions can be turned around We also received formal expressions of interest from several parties
AspinallVerdi outlined recommendations in order to repopulate Birkenhead as it is important for more people to live in the town centre. The introduction of leisure, food, accessible transport, office space and civic functions are the main focuses that have been identified as a great addition to Birkenhead town centre that will ensure the residents will consistently use and be proud of it.
The study is a key part of the evidence base of the new local plan. This is advocating a brownfield only policy and is based on a major regeneration programme and the creation of a New Town within an Old Town.
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