Case Studies
Blyth Strategic Sites Development Strategy
Asset / Estate Management Strategies - Health / Education
Levelling Up – Towns Fund / Future High Streets / Shared Prosperity Fund
Site Acquisition, Site Assembly and Compulsory Purchase
Town Centre Regeneration and Masterplanning
Northumberland County Council
AspinallVerdi were appointed by Northumberland County Council (NCC) alongside ID Partnershop and Broadoak Asset Management to prepare a detailed a comprehensive Strategic Sites Development Strategy for Blyth, providing a building block upon which the successful regeneration of the town centre will be built.
The town of Blyth is in the midst of a period of regeneration and significant investment from central government. At the centre of this study was the desire to re-develop and change the use of a number of prominent strategic sites within the town centre. A series of developments are planned to create vibrant and attractive spaces for local people, visitors and business who want to spend their time and money in Blyth.
Services Provided
During this commission the services we provided were:
- Market appraisals of each of the long list sites in scope (10) for development;
- An assessment of key site constraints;
- Site suitability criteria matrix for ordering of priority sites for acquisition;
- Identification of current site ownerships and owners’ interest in disposing of the sites; Market valuation / viability assessments of the sites
AspinallVerdi prepared a robust and succinct acquisition strategy to advise Northumberland County Council on which sites would be most effective in delivering the council’s regeneration objectives for Blyth town centre.