Case Studies
Catterick Garrison Town Centre – Levelling Up Fund Bid
Business Cases / Public Sector Funding
Levelling Up – Towns Fund / Future High Streets / Shared Prosperity Fund
Town Centre Regeneration and Masterplanning
Richmondshire District Council
AspinallVerdi were appointed by Richmondshire District Council to assist with the preparation of a business case and masterplan to support their bid for the Levelling Up Fund. AspinallVerdi worked with a team led by IDPartnership and including Hall & Partners and New Skills Consulting.
Proposals include delivery of improvements to the town’s active travel network (including cycle lanes and pedestrian access); public realm and landscape improvements (including improvements to a centrally-located park and provision of a new public square); and a new community enterprise hub with workspace and a community café.
The proposals will give residents and visitors new reasons to visit and dwell in the town centre and create new space for working and events. New cycle lanes will provide residents with routes for residents to visit the centre via a sustainable form of transport. Improvements to the park will encourage greater pride in the town centre and encourage people to gather in the centre of the town.
AspinallVerdi provided property and viability advice on this project. They also assisted with developing and drafting the business case to support the bid. Bringing a strong commercial and financial focus to the bid also ensures a robust business case has been put forward.
Services Provided
AspinallVerdi provided the following services:
- Business Case Development & Drafting
- Commercial Advice on Masterplan
- Economic Appraisal Input
- Advice on Financial Appraisals
- Risk Analysis
- Delivery advice
This project created a range of proposed projects which will deliver transformational change in Catterick Garrison Town Centre.
AspinallVerdi’s work fed into a business case submitted to Government seeking approximately £19m.
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