Case Studies
Central Northallerton Masterplan
Town Centre Regeneration and Masterplanning
Hambleton District Council
AspinallVerdi was appointed alongside IBI Taylor Young to prepare a masterplan for Central Northallerton. Announcements of the closure of the Rural Payments Agency and Northallerton Prison had dealt a significant blow to the local economy.
The Central Northallerton Masterplan explores the spatial implications of the closures, which made two significant town centre sites available, and seeks to realise the full regeneration and economic potential of the area. It will help to realize the opportunity afforded by these sites becoming available and maximise the benefit from their redevelopment for the local economy and Northallerton High Street.
Services Provided
- The services AspinallVerdi provided include
- Market Assessment to inform detailed proposal for development;
- Options Identification to identify key sites and potential development opportunities;
- Economic Viability Analysis to determine the viability and deliverability of the emerging preferred options;
- Delivery and Implementation advice with respect to how projects could be progressed, including key priorities, the phasing and indeed the role of the public sector to ensure the success of the projects.