Case Studies
Chelmsley Wood Net-Zero Neighbourhood
Business Cases / Public Sector Funding
Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council
Aspinallverdi were appointed by Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council – as part of a multi-disciplinary team with BDP to produce a Net Zero Neighbourhood Plan, to be submitted to the West Midlands Combined Authority with hopes to receive £1.65m in funding. The Chelmsley Wood 15-minute neighbourhood seeks to capitalize on the momentum of existing projects with the layering of new interventions, all whilst ensuring resources are directed to the area The net zero neighbourhood has five key projects focusing on: Housing, Transport, Natural Environment, Behavior Change; and Community. At the core of the plan is the retrofit of housing, ensuring that over the lifetime of the project, the whole community is offered a chance to benefit from warmer and greener homes.
Services Provided
This project involved the creation of a bid document comprised of three main sections: Understanding the local community, Capital Investment Plan, and a Community Engagement Plan.
AspinallVerdi provided a variety of services to develop and support Solihull MBC’s plan. Services include:
- Analysis of key statistics and demographics.
- Interpretation and analysis of existing housing data (including EPC’s).
- Outlining the Key objectives of the proposal
- Strategic risk management.
- Stakeholder Engagement.
- Identifying market failures.
- Detailed funding identification, analysis and timescales.
- Market analysis and value assumptions.
- Creation of a delivery model.
- Identification and implementation of key interventions.
The project helped develop an understanding of the need for more efficient and sustainable interventions within one of the countries most deprived areas. The project also helped understand the costs associated to create a net-zero neighbourhood pilot.
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