Case Studies
Clatterbridge Hospital Development Consultancy
Development – Appraisals, Delivery Plans, Development Management, Partnerships and Regen Cos
Estate Regeneration - Residential
Site Disposal / Developer Selection
Wirral Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Aspinall Verdi were instructed by the Wirral University Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust as strategic advisors for the redevelopment of now-vacant areas of the Clatterbridge Hospital site.
This would see the demolition of existing dormant structures and development of a garden village alongside remaining care and healthcare education facilities. This would include 343 residential units of which it is and over 2500 sqm of commercial space.
The services provided by AspinallVerdi to the client included:
- Residential market review including supply and demand analysis to inform high-level development proposal.
- A full Financial Viability Appraisal (FVA) of the proposed scheme. This was prepared in accordance with the RICS Practice Statement on Financial Viability in Planning (2019) and included:
- A planning policy review to identify key planning policies on viability.
- A property market assessment to inform the financial appraisal. Prepared a detailed written report setting out our recommendations on viability and opinion of land value.
We concluded that there was sufficient market demand for residential units in the area and that the site offered a viable development opportunity.
This advice was used by the WUTH NHS Foundation Trust in discussions to get the site allocated in the new local plan and subsequently bringing the site forward for sale to housebuilders.
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