Case Studies
Employment Land Review
Asset / Estate Management Strategies - Health / Education
Development – Appraisals, Delivery Plans, Development Management, Partnerships and Regen Cos
Garden Communities, Urban Extensions and Strategic Land
Property Market Analysis
Winchester City Council
Our Role
AspinallVerdi was appointed by Winchester City Council in conjunction with consultants PBA Stantec (now Stantec) to complete an Employment Land Review to inform their emerging planning policy. We were specifically commissioned to analyse existing floorspace stock and occupiers, changes in occupier demand and the supply balance of the market. We undertook extensive stakeholder consultation to support our study, engaging with agents, landowners and developers.
Work Undertaken
To review the property market for employment space in the Winchester District, we undertook the following tasks relating to industrial and office markets:
- Established a benchmark of existing floorspace stock using VoA non-domestic data.
- Quantified submarkets across the District, defined by their occupation and size.
- Held multiple consultations with commercial agents to understand local markets across our sub-areas.
- Identified steep declined of industrial vacancy.
- Reviewed the development economics impacting employment land in the District.
- Identified future development sites and future delivery of floorspace such as Bushfield Camp, Winchester City Regeneration and Station Approach. Outlined development threats such as residential encroachment.
Our assessment of the employment market demonstrated a headline issue of an undersupplied industrial market against low levels of vacancy and high levels of demand.
We were able to recommend what strategic key policies should be considered by the Council in terms of the protection of existing employment space and delivery of their strategic allocations.
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