Case Studies
Fiddlers Ferry Power Station Financial Viability Appraisals
Development – Appraisals, Delivery Plans, Development Management, Partnerships and Regen Cos
Estate Regeneration - Residential
Garden Communities, Urban Extensions and Strategic Land
Site Specific Viability Assessments (VAs) for S106
AspinallVerdi was instructed by SSE plc to undertake a viability report in support of the redevelopment of Fiddlers Ferry Power Station, Warrington. This was a very large coal-fired power station that provided electricity for most of the North West conurbation.
SSE made representations for the site to be allocated for redevelopment in the new Warrington Local Plan. AspinallVerdi provided a Viability Assessment for the redevelopment of the recently decommissioned site for the plan period up to 2038.
The redevelopment of the former Fiddlers Ferry power station presents a major opportunity for a mixed-use employment and housing project on one of the largest brownfield sites in the region. The plans (and appraisals) were for 4 million sq.ft of logistics/ industrial space and 1,700 homes.
During this commission the services we provided were:
- Property market research
- Planning policy review
- Benchmark land value analysis (EUV)
- Development/viability appraisals (including sensitivities) Sound evidenced based report
AspinallVerdi produced a policy compliant financial appraisal which generated a Residual Land Value that demonstrated that redevelopment could happen in the next plan period.
The site has been included in the draft local plan and will be adopted as a Regeneration Priority Area.
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