Case Studies
Former Wharfedale Hospital, Otley
Heritage & Listed Buildings
Site Specific Viability Assessments (VAs) for S106
Retained to provide support and expert viability advice with respect to this significant Listed former hospital site.
P J Livesey had acquired the site from the Homes and Communities Agency (HCA). The conversion of the Listed Buildings required Enabling Development in order to make the scheme financially viable.
Through detailed research and financial modelling, a detailed Viability Study was produced. This evidenced the need for the enabling development and the lack of viability to deliver the policy level of affordable housing.
The scheme comprised a total of 60 units of which 25 are new build.
Negotiations took place subsequent to submission and this led to a successful planning approval for this scheme.
The scheme has been completed and proved to be very popular with purchasers due to the high quality design and build.