Case Studies
Foundation Industries Campus - Employment Space Consultancy
Business Cases / Public Sector Funding
Levelling Up – Towns Fund / Future High Streets / Shared Prosperity Fund
Property Market Analysis
Site Acquisition, Site Assembly and Compulsory Purchase
St Helen's Borough Council
AspinallVerdi were instructed by St Helens Borough Council to provide strategic market and masterplanning advice for the development of a ‘Foundation Industries Campus’ employment zone.
This followed the announcement that the pioneering Glass Manufacturing Research and Design facility, ‘Glass Futures’ had secured funding to be constructed in St Helens – a town with a rich glass manufacturing history.
The Council intended to develop an employment zone surrounding the new facility with the aim of attracting new businesses to locate in the town and drive the creation of new high-skilled jobs.
During this commission the services we provided were:
- Employment land market review.
- Business case development including a review of UK foundation industries and international best practice examples of manufacturing employment districts.
- Identification of current site ownerships.
- An assessment of key site constraints. Strategic site acquisition advice#
Our initial report formed part of the council’s business case for Towns Deal funding from central government. This led to a £25m award – the highest amount awarded to date for a Labour-run council.
AspinallVerdi’s role continues as strategic advisors to progress the project.
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