Case Studies
Handforth East SDS
Development – Appraisals, Delivery Plans, Development Management, Partnerships and Regen Cos
Garden Communities, Urban Extensions and Strategic Land
Cheshire East Engine of the North
AspinallVerdi was commissioned, as part of a multidisciplinary team, by Cheshire East Engine of the North to produce a masterplan and delivery strategy for the Handforth East Strategic Development Site.
Handforth East is an area allocated in the Publication Draft Cheshire East Local Plan Strategy for a sustainable mixed-use extension to the east of the town, comprising around 1950 new homes, employment space, education, community and recreation facilities. The site is existing Green Belt land and its proposed removal from the Green Belt follows a Green Belt review undertaken as part of the Local Plan process. The site is being promoted by Cheshire East Engine of the North, a development company wholly owned by Cheshire East Council.
The Handforth East masterplan will set out an overall approach and shared vision for the area, provides a clear planning framework for the site, identifies a deliverable and financially viable project that delivers the vision and identifies social and physical infrastructure and the funding mechanisms, including development contributions. The masterplan and delivery strategy will be used to defend the viability and deliverability of the site and support its allocation through the Local Plan Examination in Public.
Services Provided
AspinallVerdi is responsible for:
- Land ownership referencing and engagement with third party landowners;
- review of property market including land and property values, developer and occupier requirements;
- demonstrating the compelling need for the residential and employment creating development;
- soft market testing of emerging options with developers;
- financial modeling to test overall viability and inform development and infrastructure phasing; and
- production of a development delivery framework, setting the critical path towards development delivery