Case Studies
Heritage Buildings Capability
Business Cases / Public Sector Funding
Estate Regeneration - Residential
Heritage & Listed Buildings
Heritage Buildings Capability
AspinallVerdi are Chartered Surveyors and Town Planners with specific knowledge and experience of regeneration and refurbishment of Listed Buildings. We bring together a broad range of planning and development services into one fully integrated property regeneration practice.
We are an independent niche practice which prides itself on providing evidence based advice. We offer pragmatic robust consultancy and deliverable solutions to the most difficult of challenges.
- Enabling Development
- Economic Viability and feasibility studies
- Financial modelling and funding
- Market testing and demand analysis
- Securing end users and developers
- Negotiating development agreements and transactions
- Options studies and business case preparation
- Visioning and concept development
- Development management
- Asset Transfer/Social Enterprise
A selection of our heritage project experience is set out in the PDF download below.
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