Case Studies

Kirkholst Key Sites Framework

Estate Regeneration - Residential
Town Centre Regeneration and Masterplanning


AspinallVerdi was commissioned, as part of a multi-disciplinary team, by Rochdale MBC to produce a framework for key regeneration sites on the Kirkholt estate in Rochdale.

The Key Sites Framework builds upon previous studies, including ‘A Vision for Kirkholt – Ideas for Change’ and ‘Kirkholt –Delivering the Vision’ to provide a robust framework for moving forward.  The purpose of the report was to focus on six key sites within the estate and to:

  • Unlock the sites potential
  • Fully understand constraints
  • Propose and test outline solutions and potential land uses
  • Develop delivery frameworks to move projects forward

Services Provided

  • AspinallVerdi provided development viability and delivery input in support of a revised masterplan for the estate.
  • AspinallVerdi led the consultation with developers to test the masterplan options, including options to redevelop an existing local centre and community services hub. 
  • Finally, AspinallVerdi recommended potential delivery mechanisms for the estate as a whole and the individual key sites.
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Kirkholst Key Sites Framework