Case Studies
Land at Rudgate Park (Phase 1), Thorp Arch
Estate Regeneration - Residential
Property Market Analysis
Site Disposal / Developer Selection
Homes England
As part of the Tibbalds CampbellReith team AspinallVerdi are retained to provide property market research, development appraisal services, viability and disposal agency advice.
With respect to the Phase 1 site AspinallVerdi have undertaken soft market testing, development appraisal services and then implemented agency services for the disposal of this 23-unit scheme with the benefit of outline planning permission.
Services Provided
AspinallVerdi provided the following services;
- Soft market testing – targeted particularly at SME housing developers
- Marketing collateral; including brochure and information pack
- Formulation of bidder’s requirements
- Evaluation of bids
- Discussion and clarification with bidders to ensure that appropriate bids are submitted
- Preparation of a recommendation report
- Preparation of a ‘franking valuation’ to support the disposal price.
Following the advertisement and targeted mail out the site attracted interest from a number of parties who were encouraged to bid and any queries were addressed.
Six initial compliant bids were received and then a seventh non-compliant bid was also submitted.
It was necessary to request best and final bids and this resulted in six bids. A preferred bidder was selected on the basis of price and track record. A contract conditional on planning has been agreed.
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