Case Studies
Leale’s Yard, Guernsey
Development – Appraisals, Delivery Plans, Development Management, Partnerships and Regen Cos
Town Centre Regeneration and Masterplanning
States of Guernsey
AspinallVerdi as part of the Tibbalds Planning & Urban Design team have completed a Development Framework for Leale’s Yard Regeneration Area. The work was undertaken for the States of Guernsey. The site is located to the north of Guernsey and straddles the St Sampson and Vale parish boundaries
The framework sets out the planning guidance for the mixed-use redevelopment of the Leale’s Yard Regeneration Area, as well as comprehensive and practical guidance on how policies in the Island Development Plan (IDP) will be applied to the site.
AspinallVerdi prepared a stage one market assessment on the residential, commercial, and retail/leisure market in the Bridge Main Centre and St Peter Port. The report provided an understanding of the local market and was informed by communication with the States commercial property representative. Initial conclusions identified the clear issue of market absorption and therefore the quantum of development which could come forward.
The team worked collaboratively to prepare three scenarios for the site which involved considering the density, mix and type of units to be delivered in each These scenarios were financially modelled on a residual land value basis, resulting in a preferred option being identified.
After being the subject of public consultation, Leale’s Yard Regeneration Area Development Framework is now part of the States of Guernsey’s Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPG). It will be taken into account when considering planning applications on any part of the regeneration area.
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