Case Studies
North Northamptonshire Garden Communities
Garden Communities, Urban Extensions and Strategic Land
Property Market Analysis
AspinallVerdi led a consultant team including IBI (urban designers) and WYG (infrastructure) who were commissioned by the North Northamptonshire Joint Planning Unit and Joint Delivery Unit, on behalf of partner authorities to prepare an overarching Delivery Plan for a cluster of inter-dependent ‘Garden Communities’ containing over 24,000 new homes across 6 Sustainable Urban Extensions (SUEs).
This Delivery Plan outlines the opportunity for the coordinated delivery of the SUEs within a shared framework of landscape and infrastructure, enabling key attributes of Garden Cities to be delivered across North Northamptonshire.
We carried out the following tasks:
- Detailed desktop review of the 6 SUEs proposed.
- Review of planning policy and viability information where available.
- Property market analysis for each of the sub-market areas.
- One to one stakeholder consultation with landowners, developers, government agencies and planning authorities.
- Identification of issues and constraints affecting delivery
- Preparation of a focused delivery plan (and supporting evidence base) with clear actions based on identified priorities over the short to long term.
The Delivery Plan identifies a clear prioritised programme of projects and activities at the North Northamptonshire level and for individual SUEs, to ensure the efficient and effective deployment of public funds and private sector investment to support their delivery in the short, medium and long term.
This work will be used to inform the work programmes and resources of a new Joint Delivery Unit (JDU) and its partners (including developers) and as a basis for securing ongoing commitment and investment from Government and other public and private sector agencies.
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