Case Studies
Rugby Town Centre
Funding Due Diligence
Site Disposal / Developer Selection
Town Centre Regeneration and Masterplanning
Rugby Borough Council
Parm Dosanjh was appointed by Rugby Borough Council to provide development consultancy advice in relation to the development of a retail scheme in Rugby Town Centre. The Scheme includes a 8,364 sq. m (90,000 sqft) Asda foodstore, an additional 3,717 sq. m (40,000 sqft) of retail units and 139 surface and 290 basement car parking spaces. The Council had, for nearly two decades, been seeking to secure ‘an imaginative and deliverable scheme for the Chapel Street site’. A new development brief was prepared in 2001 and the site was jointly marketed with the Co-operative Society, the other main landowner. Asda was selected as the preferred development partner. The scheme received planning permission in 2004 and a CPO inquiry was subsequently held. The scheme opened for trading in Summer 2009.
Services Provided
Parm Dosanjh was responsible for:
- preparing the development brief and marketing particulars;
- undertaking the developer selection (including marketing) process;
- detailed analysis of developer’s appraisal;
- drafting report recommending preferred development partner;
- advice on scheme content and layout;
- advice on tenant mix strategy;
- CPO related negotiations;
- drafting CPO Statement of Reasons and Case;
- negotiating Heads of Terms and Tri-parte Development Agreement;
- advice on value of Council’s existing property interests in the revised scheme;
- preparing Best Consideration report;
- reporting to Council Members;
- ongoing advice on scheme implementation.