Case Studies

Selby Affordable Housing Strategic Advice

Development – Appraisals, Delivery Plans, Development Management, Partnerships and Regen Cos

Selby District Council


AspinallVerdi has been appointed by Selby District Council to provide a ‘high-level’ review of the District’s affordable housing targets and provide initial strategic advice in respect of the delivery / implementation of the policy target.

A review of the Affordable Housing SPD provides an opportunity to consider how the Core Strategy policy is implemented and site delivery work is supported, drawing in practice from elsewhere, a review of current Selby practice and expert input.


Concerns have been expressed about the effects of the ‘up to 40%’ affordable housing target on housing delivery in Selby District. Significant focus is being given to helping bring forward sites for development.

The delivery of affordable housing units has mainly arisen by applying the policy target to market housing schemes. Affordable housing can also be delivered by direct development through the Council’s Housing Trust and through the activities of registered providers (of social housing). The role and inter-relationship of different delivery mechanisms in Selby District was examined.

Affordable housing can also be looked at in terms delivery objectives.  For example, some local authorities have lower targets on brownfield sites. A delivery emphasis could also focus on particular types, sizes of sites and particular locations. This was done to take in to account current information on housing market conditions and the overall development strategy to bring forward stalled sites.

Analysis and Research

We carried out analysis of the development monitoring data and primary research of RPs and developers.  We engaged with Members and senior Officers.

Key Lines of Inquiry (KLOIs) were delivery mechanisms; types of sites; locations and dynamic approaches as recommended by the Elphicke-House report.

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Selby Affordable Housing Strategic Advice