Case Studies
Sheffield Market Review
Garden Communities, Urban Extensions and Strategic Land
Sheffield City Council
AspinallVerdi have been appointed by Sheffield City Council, as part of a multi-disciplinary team led by Colliers International to provide strategic development and economic advise to the Council on the market demand for increasing the housing supply in the City Centre and to diversify the housing offer. The study will provide in-depth analysis and insight into the housing market in Sheffield City Centre. Its findings will feed directly into the Central Area Strategy that is currently being produced.
Services Provided
AspinallVerdi provided the following services:
• Reviewed lessons learnt in other core cities of the UK
• Reviewed key policy documents including the SHMA
• Undertook both residential and commercial property market research, including various forms of build for sale, BTR and affordable housing
• Produced Site Performa’s
• Considered the importance of infrastructure and Public Realm
• Consultations with industry representatives
• Financial viability appraisals
• Delivery advice – identifying the barriers to development and provide recommendations on how these can be overcome
• Sound evidence based report
To ensure the recommendations are robust, AspinallVerdi tested the economic viability of the sites arising from the Central Area Strategy, identifying those that are considered deliverable in the first 5 years following adoption of the Local Plan (2023-2028) and providing a convincing narrative around market demand for sites that are considered developable in years 6-15.
The study provided the evidence base for the city centre policy in the Local Plan.