Case Studies
St Cuthbert’s Garden Community
Estate Regeneration - Residential
Garden Communities, Urban Extensions and Strategic Land
Planning Policy – Plan Viability, CIL, Strategic Sites, Employment Land
Carlisle City Council
Our Roles
AspinallVerdi has been appointed by Carlisle City Council to provide viability advice in respect of Carlisle District and St Cuthbert’s Garden Community. We have been commissioned to:
1. Undertake a district wide baseline study of land values and development costs to underpin a potential Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) for the District;
2. Prepare a specific viability assessment for St Cuthbert’s Garden Village, this includes the viability assessment of three options and a preferred option;
3. Advise on viability and deliverability matters related to the preparation of the St Cuthbert’s Garden Village Masterplan Framework; and 4. Advise on the future approach to development contribution on a district wide basis, including St Cuthbert’s Garden Village.
Work Undertaken
Carlisle City Council has been appointed to the Garden Communities programme and awarded HIF (Housing Infrastructure Fund) money for the delivery of the southern link road (£110 million) and delivery of c 10,000 new homes at the St Cuthbert’s garden community.
Stage 1 of the commission was to provide a district wide baseline. This was a review of the residential, retail and commercial property markets and the appraisal of hypothetical site and scheme typologies to establish whether there was any scope to charge CIL (to repay some – or all - of the HIF funding).
We have subsequently been commissioned (stage 2) to:
• Critically assess the outputs of the draft masterplan framework options;
• Provide high-level viability and deliverability assessment of each option.
We have prepared a viability assessment of each option and made recommendations as to the preferred option.
We are providing on-going advice in respect of land value capture and delivery of the scheme. In this respect we have identified various risks including: land take and land assembly; S106 infrastructure costs; density and mix.