Case Studies
St George's Gateway Masterplan
Levelling Up – Towns Fund / Future High Streets / Shared Prosperity Fund
Property Market Analysis
Town Centre Regeneration and Masterplanning
Liverpool City Council
AspinallVerdi were subcontracted via LDA Design Consulting Ltd and instructed by Liverpool City Council to assess the viability and advise on the regeneration options taking place within the masterplan of St. Georges Gateway.
St George’s Gateway is an intriguing proposition in market term and AspinallVerdi identified that area offers significant opportunities for development.
AspinallVerdi also recognised that the fundamental aim of this masterplan is to create a positive investment climate for those investors considering whether to enter the market.
During this commission the services we provided were:
- Established the market position of St George’s Gateway
- Discussion of the viability of early-stage regeneration which will give investors and developers confidence
- Making recommendations for funding source and delivery mechanisms.
- Providing suggestions for the collaboration agreement. Providing recommendations for the next steps
AspinallVerdi provided a market report setting the most appropriate uses for St George’s Gateway which supports the masterplan vision.
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