Case Studies

St Georges Mill

Heritage & Listed Buildings

Kirklees Metropolitan Borough Council & Yorkshire Forward


Atam has advised both Kirklees MBC and Yorkshire Forward in respect of this high profile and prominent building located in central Huddersfield, adjacent to the rail station. The building is Grade II Listed and lies within a Conservation Area.

The building has changed ownership a number of times in its recent history. Previous users have used the space for storeage and distribution, but not for all the building. The condition of the building has deteriorated through the lack of use and neglect.

Due to the prominence of the buildings it has been a key political issue in Kirklees and thus the Council wish to see the building brought back into beneficial use.

Services Provided

Atam was initially involved in undertaking a market study to identify value generating uses which could be considered for useage in building. 

Subsequently we was asked to assemble a design team (Stephenson Bell architects and Gleeds quantity surveyors) to undertake a detailed feasibility study which examined use options and the approach to design and delivery. We were asked to consider the prospective Compulsory Purchase of the property and indeed the funding that the public sector would require in order to deliver the project.

The proceeding work had the desired effect of the owner implementing a planning application for a scheme comprising office and residential use. Over £1m has been expended to date and whilst the building is not fully utilised a single floor is let and occupied as offices.

More recently AspinallVerdi were appointed to organise a charette to discuss what new approaches to use and delivery can be used to bring the remainder of the space into use. Discussions are now taking place with the owners.

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St Georges Mill