Site Disposal / Developer Selection
Site Disposal / Developer Selection
Whether you are a private landowner looking to sell a development site or a developer/public body assembling a major regeneration scheme we have a range of services which can add value.
Site disposal
We can extract the maximum value from land for our landowner clients when selling as part of a redevelopment scheme. This includes the preparation of development briefs, obtaining planning permission and marketing the site.
Subject to Planning Conditional Sales
We can advise on the sale of development land subject to planning. This involves ensuring the comprehensive heads of terms are agreed for any price deductions during the site due diligence and planning process.
Preferred Developer
In large scale urban regeneration projects, a development agreement will be required between the Acquiring Authority and the preferred developer which will usually require a development competition as a pre-curser.
Site Sale and Purchase Agreements
We undertake Red Book valuations to support the negotiations for the acquisition and disposal of development sites for clients. Our valuers analyse market data, site constraints and opportunities and planning policy to ensure they are reflected in the purchase price. We are regularly required to produce ‘Franking Valuations’ for Homes England and other public bodies follow a period of marketing.
Databases and Data Rooms
We have a cloud-based CRM (Contact Relationship Management) system which contains GPDR compliant databases of property requirements. We use Sharepoint to create data rooms for the sharing of technical and marketing documentation.
For further information about our services browse our case studies